Macarons! - Ketika sedang berkumpul santai bersama sahabat ataupun keluarga, rasanya ada yang kurang jikalau tidak ada camilan. Ya camilan ialah makanan ringan yang sesuai untuk mendampingi obrolan dan mencairkan suasana. Namun berbicara soal ragam camilan, lazimnya akan timbul dua regu camilan merupakan camilan manis dan asin alias gurih. Nah, bagi sebagian orang banyak yang suka camilan dengan cita rasa gurih. Pasalnya camilan gurih bisa dinikmati dengan aneka saos pedas maupun saus sebagai komplementernya. Apalagi biasanya camilan gurih ini amat nikmat lho disantap saat hangat-hangat. Dengan membikin camilan gurih sendiri untuk keluarga tentu akan lebih aman dan juga hemat. Are macarons really that hard to make? Macarons are some tricky little cookies! I am used to freezing macarons, also.

Macarons! Get some macarons home delivered anywhere in the United States. Anda bisa memasak Macarons! memakai 7 bahan dan 12 langkah. Begini cara buatnya.

Bahan-bahan membuat Macarons!

  1. Anda butuh 100 gr almond meal.
  2. Kamu butuh 100 gr icing sugar.
  3. Kamu butuh 80 gr egg whites.
  4. Kamu butuh 100 gr caster sugar.
  5. Kamu butuh Food coloring/powdered dye.
  6. Siapkan 100 gr chocolate.
  7. Anda butuh 60 gr whip cream.

Cara buat Macarons!

  1. In a bowl, sift the sugar, almond powder and the powdered dye and set aside..
  2. In a small bowl, over a simmering water, beat the egg whites with a whisk until foam.
  3. After the egg whites are foamy, add sugar and using a whisk, whip until the sugar dissolves with the foamy egg whites. After the sugar is dissolved, use a mixer and mix at high speed for about 5-7 minutes..
  4. Next, add in the almond flour mixture into the sugar egg mixture [three times]. Stir gently with a spatula until all the mixtures thoroughly combine..
  5. Next, fill a pastry bag with the batter and line a parchment paper on a baking sheet..
  6. Pipe the batter onto the parchment paper. After that, hold the baking sheet about an inch over the counter-top and let it drop. Do it about three times, so as to help the batter settle..
  7. Let the batter sit, set and dry at room temperature for 1 hour..
  8. Next, after one hour, place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake it at 130-150°C approximately for 15 minutes [bake 3 minutes at bottom rack and 3 minutes at upper rack]..
  9. Take out from the oven and let it cool on the rack..
  10. Meanwhile, make the filling [chocolate ganache] for the macarons. First of all, mix both the whip cream and the chocolate. Mix both ingredients in a bowl over a simmering water. Mix until both ingredients are thoroughly combined..
  11. Pipe the chocolate ganache onto half of the macaron halves and then cover the filling with another macaron half..
  12. Serve and Enjoy!.

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Macarons! - Pastinya camilan gurih paling nikmat ini senantiasa menggiurkan dan rasanya ideal di lidah masyarakat Indonesia. Sesuai banget nih buat kau yang berkeinginan mencoba resep sederhana dan mudah ini.Mudah sekali kan memasak Macarons! ini? Selamat mencoba.